


Benzene is a widely used industrial chemical. Benzene is found in crude oil and is a major part of gasoline. It's used to make plastics, resins, synthetic fibers, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides. Benzene is produced naturally by volcanoes and forest fires.

In homes, benzene may be found in glues, adhesives, cleaning products, paint strippers, tobacco smoke and gasoline. Most benzene in the environment comes from our use of petroleum products.

Benzene quickly evaporates from water or soil. If benzene leaks from buried storage tanks or landfills, it can contaminate nearby drinking water wells. Benzene can move long distances in groundwater.


  • Plastics
  • Resins
  • Synthetic fibers
  • Rubber lubricants
  • Dyes
  • Detergents
  • Drugs 
  • Pesticides


The most common way people are exposed to benzene is when they fill their car with gasoline. People are also exposed to benzene when they use household products that contain benzene.

Benzene evaporates quickly from contaminated water. People can be exposed to benzene if they use contaminated water to bathe, shower, wash dishes or do laundry.

#Physical Value Unit Test Method
1 Purity wt. % 99.90 min Weight percentage ASTM D 4492-98
2 Non aromatics wt. % 0.07 max Weight percentage ASTM D 4492-98
3 Toluene wt. % 0.15 max Weight percentage  ASTM D 4492-98
4 Distillation range `c at 760 mm Hg 1.0 max including 80.1 At a pressure of 760 mm Hg ASTM D 850-00
5 Appearance

Clear liquid free of sedimentation

or haze at 18.3 to 25.6 `c
At ºC temperature 18.3 to 25.6 .C VISUAL
6 Total Sulfur wt. ppm 1.0 max MY weight is ppm ASTM D 4045-99
7 Copper corrosion Pass (1a to 1b) - ASTM D 849-97
8 Copper corrosion- 20 Max Pt-co scale ASTM D 1209-00
9 Acid wash color Pass with 1 - ASTM D 848-97
10 Acidity None detected - ASTM D 847-96
11 Specific Gravity at 15.56/15.56 `c 0.882 - 0.886 Hot per cubic centimeter at a temperature of 15.56 ºC ASTM D 4052-96
12 SO2 / H2S None detected - ASTM D 853-97
13 Solidification Point `c 5.45 min ºC ASTM D 852-00
14 Thiophene wt. PPM 0.06 max ppm ASTM D 5623-94
15 Vapor Pressure psi 3.3 psi ASTM D 323-99A


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