Corn is a major staple food grain throughout the world, particularly in Africa, Latin America and Asia, and a major feed-stuff in developed countries. The corn grain has many food (grain, flour, syrup, oil…) and non-food usages (cosmetics, adhesives, paints, varnishes).
Also, Corn starch and oil are also major products. The corn grain is a major animal feed grain and a standard component of livestock diets where it is used as a source of energy. However, other grains are typically compared to corn when their nutritional value is estimated.
Many by-products of corn processing for flour (hominy feed, bran, germs, oil meal), starch (corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal) and alcohol/biofuel industries (distillers’ dried grains and solubles) can be fed to animals. Corn breeders have created many cultivars that correspond to specific climatic or agronomic conditions and uses.
“Dent corn” corn is the most widely grown type of corn and the one typically used for feed.
Also other types (flint corn, popcorn, sweet corn, flour corn) are more intended for food uses. Some varieties have been created to improve the industrial or nutritional value: high lysine, high tryptophan, high oil, high amylose, low phytate, etc.
Brown midrib corn has a lower lignin content resulting in an increased digestibility in livestock.
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