


Toluene is found naturally in crude oil, and is used in oil refining and the manufacturing of paints, lacquers, explosives (TNT) and glues. In homes, toluene may be found in paint thinners, paintbrush cleaners, nail polish, glues, inks and stain removers. 


  • Paints
  • Paint thinners
  • Fingernail polish
  • Lacquers
  • Adhesives and rubber and in some printing 
  • Leather tanning processes




Toluene, a flammable liquid with a pungent odor, is widely employed as an organic solvent. It is also used as a precursor for synthesizing benzene.

#Physical Value Unit Test Method
1 Purity wt.% 99.90 min   Weight percentage   ASTM D 2360-82
2 non aromatics wt.% 0.10 Max    Weight percentage   ASTM D 2360-82
3 benzene wt.% 0.1 Max   Weight percentage    ASTM D 2360-82
4 Distillation range `c at 760 mm Hg​ 1.0 Max including 110.6  At a pressure of 760 mm Hg At ºC  ASTM D 850-79
5 Appearance​ Clear Liquid free of sedimentation or haze at 18.3 to 25.6 `c temperature 18.3 to 25.6 .C  VISUAL
 6  Total Sulfur wt. ppm 1.0 Max   My weight is ppm  ASTM D 4045-87
 Copper corrosion  Pass (1a to 1b)  -  ASTM D 849-88
 8  Color, Pt-co scale  20 Max  pt-co scale   ASTM D 1209-84
 9  Acid wash color  2 Max  -  ASTM D 848-81
10 Acidity None detected - ASTM D 847-87
11 Specific Gravity at15.56/15.56 `c 0.869 - 0.873 Warm per cubic cebtimeter lang=''AR-SA'' at 15.56 ºC ASTM D 4052-86
12 SO2 / H2S None detected - ASTM D 853-82
13 Vapor Pressure psi 1.1 psi ASTM D 323-99A

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