

EP440L (Polypropylene)

″EP440L″ is a medium flow heterophasic polypropylene copolymer with improved balance of mechanical properties. The product features high stiffness and outstanding impact strength at low temperatures and is specifically designed for injection molding applications. In comparison with conventional copolymers with the same MFR and same rigidity, ″EP440L″, exhibits 35 % higher toughness. ″EP440L″ is suitable for a wide range of applications in the packaging, automotive and consumer goods industries. Typical applications include luggage, paint pails, buckets, containers, crates, batteries and large toys.


  • Packaging, automotive and consumer goods industries
  • Luggage, paint pails, buckets
  • Containers, crates, batteries and large toys


  • High impact strength
  • High stiffness
  • Heterophasic copolymer
#Typical PropertiesValueUnitTest Method
1 Melt Flow Rate (MFR)(230°C/2.16Kg)​ 6.0 g/10min ASTM D1238
2 Density 9.0 g/cm3 ASTM D1505
 3 Flexural Modulus  1300  Mpa   ASTM D790
4 Tensile Strength at Yield​ 25 Mpa  ASTM D638
5 Tensile Elongation at Yield​ 6 % ASTM D638
6 Izod Impact Strength (notched) at 23℃​ 200 J/m ASTM D256
 7 Izod Impact Strength (notched) at -20℃ 60  J/m  ASTM D256
 8 Vicat Softening Point (10N)  150  ℃  ASTM D1525
 9 H.D.T. (0.46 MPa)  90  ℃  ASTM D648
 10 Accelerated oven ageing in air at 150 ℃  360  Hours ASTM D3012


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