

HB0035 (HDPE)

HB0035 is a high molecular weight high density polyethylene blow moulding grade combining blow moulding extrusion behavior and superior mechanical properties. Blow moulded items made from HB0035 exhibit high impact strength and good stress cracking resistance and high stiffness.

HB0035 contains antioxidant to protect the polymer from degradation during processing. HB0035 is a highly crystalline, non-polar thermoplastic and has excellent chemical resistance and superb impact resistance at ambient conditions and even at cold temperatures. 


  • Small blow moulding bottles 
  • Containers (up to 5 lit )




  • High Impact Strength
  • Good Environmental Stress Crack Resistance (ESCR)
  • Good Stiffness
  • Good Chemical Resistance
  • High Molecular Weight
#PropertyUnitTypical ValueTest Method
1 MFI (190 ℃/2. 16 kg) gr/10min  0.35  ASTM D 1238
2 Density   gr/cm3  0.959  ASTM D  1505
3 Izod impact strength  Kg.cm/cm  25 min  ASTM D 256
4 Yellow index  -- -5 max   ASTM D 1925
5 Ash content WT.% 0.06 max   ASTM D 1063
6 Volatile matter WT.% 0.05 max  ASTM D 1960
7 Tensile strength @ break gr/cm2 290 min  ASTM D 638
8 Elongation @ break % 900 min  ASTM D 638
9 Melting point 130 ASTM D 2117
10 Vicat softening point 126 ASTM D 1525
11 ESCR HR 15 ASTM D 1693

Process conditions:

HB0035 can be processed in most types of blow moulding equipment including HDPE or LDPE extruders . It is suitable for producing hollow article in extrusion blow moulding process . A single screw extruder with a barrel of 25D to 30D long , smooth walled grooved feed section and/ or with decompression , mixing and shearing sections with 20D to 25Dscrew length are typical extruders for blow moulding of containers . This arrangement minimizes thermal degradation of melt and provides a high plasticizing capacity coupled with good extrudate quality.

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